• Closed Saturday 25/05/2024

  • Welcome to Simply Cars

    Over 25 Years of Experience in the Motor Trade

    Simply Cars have a strong customer focus, with over 25 years of experience in the motor trade. Our aim is to select good quality used cars, prepare them to a good standard and offer good advice to help you with your purchase.

    All our cars are carefully selected, history checked by carrying out an Experian Autocheck, then checked over and can be supplied with a Customer Protect Warranty for your peace of mind. Our "Simply Care" package includes a new MOT, full service, and a 12-month £2000 claim limit warranty.

    When you choose to purchase a car with the Simply Care package, our garage associates will check and inspect them thoroughly. The car will have a new MOT, a full service will be carried out and if required the cambelt will be changed.

    As we are in the fortunate position of having low overheads, we are able to pass on the savings to our customers, please feel free to compare our prices!

    We look forward to providing you with all the information you need about buying your next car. Come and see us in Eastbourne to view and test drive the cars and benefit from our many years of experience.

    Why not take one of our cars out on a test drive? We look forward to seeing you!

    Please note we usually have 20 cars in stock, of which between 5-10 cars are normally waiting to be prepared, so feel free to contact us for details of these cars.

    Read what our customers have to say about us

    Reviews Rating     
    • “Purchased a Vauxhall Astra today from Simply Cars. Very Good customer service from Brett. Nothing was to much trouble, Everything went smoothly. Highly Recommend"

      Patrick O'donoghue

    • “Brett was genuine and no hard sell, he made buying my car very easy and couldnt be more helpfull, very pleased with my car, will recommend to family and friends”

      Keith Cooper

    • “Yet again Brett delivers making my process of updating my old banger painless. Always great service. Always reasonably priced quality used cars. An honest dealer who never lets me down. Thank you my friend”

      Michael Lirette

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